


Why is Vastu important?

Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian architectural science, focuses on harmonizing living spaces with natural elements and cosmic energies. Here are 5 compelling reasons why Vastu is important:

  1. Positive Energy Flow: Vastu creates a harmonious positive energy flow by aligning structures and objects, fostering balance and upliftment.
  2. Improved Well-Being: Vastu optimizes natural light, fresh air, and ventilation, enhancing physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
  3. Enhanced Prosperity: Vastu’s proper orientation and placement attract abundance and prosperity into your life.
  4. Stress Reduction: Vastu’s decluttering and organization promote a calming ambiance, reducing stress and fostering mental clarity.
  5. Harmonious Relationships: Vastu’s design principles nurture positive connections and communication among individuals, fostering harmonious relationships.

What do we offer?

At our Vastu services, we begin by taking fresh measurements of the site to ensure accuracy. Based on these measurements, we meticulously construct a comprehensive plan. Our expertise includes implementing the 16-zone Vastu principles and utilizing bar charts to analyze the energy flow within the space. After a thorough assessment, we provide valuable suggestions for any necessary changes to align the environment with Vastu principles. Once the revised plan is ready, we work closely with our clients to execute the recommended adjustments, creating a harmonious and energetically balanced living or working space.

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Consult Our Vastu Experts for a Better Life!

01. Layout Plan

At our Vastu services, we begin by taking fresh measurements of the site to ensure accuracy. Based on these measurements, we meticulously construct a comprehensive plan. Our expertise includes implementing the 16-zone Vastu principles and utilizing bar charts to analyze the energy flow within the space. After a thorough assessment, we provide valuable suggestions for any necessary changes to align the environment with Vastu principles. Once the revised plan is ready, we work closely with our clients to execute the recommended adjustments, creating a harmonious and energetically balanced living or working space.

02. 16 Zone Layout Plan

At our Vastu services, we begin by taking fresh measurements of the site to ensure accuracy. Based on these measurements, we meticulously construct a comprehensive plan. Our expertise includes implementing the 16-zone Vastu principles and utilizing bar charts to analyze the energy flow within the space. After a thorough assessment, we provide valuable suggestions for any necessary changes to align the environment with Vastu principles. Once the revised plan is ready, we work closely with our clients to execute the recommended adjustments, creating a harmonious and energetically balanced living or working space.

03. 16 Zone Bar Chart

At our Vastu services, we begin by taking fresh measurements of the site to ensure accuracy. Based on these measurements, we meticulously construct a comprehensive plan. Our expertise includes implementing the 16-zone Vastu principles and utilizing bar charts to analyze the energy flow within the space. After a thorough assessment, we provide valuable suggestions for any necessary changes to align the environment with Vastu principles. Once the revised plan is ready, we work closely with our clients to execute the recommended adjustments, creating a harmonious and energetically balanced living or working space.

Commitment to Quality

At OnePlus1 Studio, we embrace the entire design journey, from conceptualization to realization. Our projects reflect a harmonious fusion of artistic aesthetics and practical solutions, creating spaces that are both visually captivating and highly functional. As we embark on each project, we understand that the client is at the heart of it all. Our ultimate objective is to bring their values and individuality to life through our thoughtful designs. By collaborating closely with our clients, we strive to create spaces that truly embody their essence and tell their unique stories.

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What is the benefit of Vastu?

Vastu offers several benefits, including:

  • Enhanced harmony and positive energy in living or working spaces.
  • Improved health and well-being of occupants.
  • Increased abundance and prosperity.
  • Strengthened relationships and family bonds.
  • Boosted productivity and success in professional endeavors.
  • Overall improvement in the quality of life.

What is the way to know whether the actual property is as per Vastu or not?

To determine if a property aligns with Vastu principles, you can:

  • Consult a Vastu expert or consultant who can analyze the property and provide guidance.
  • Assess the layout and orientation of the building in relation to the cardinal directions (north, east, south, west).
  • Evaluate the placement of rooms, entrances, and essential elements such as kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom.
  • Consider factors such as natural light, ventilation, and the presence of any negative or obstructive features.

When can anyone expect results from Vastu?

The timeframe for experiencing results from Vastu can vary based on individual circumstances. Some people may notice positive changes relatively quickly, while others may take time depending on factors like the existing imbalances in the space, personal efforts, and external factors. It is important to be patient and allow the energy to align and manifest positively.

How to place old/new material as per Vastu?

When placing old or new materials, consider the following Vastu guidelines:

  • Keep the materials organized and clutter-free.
  • Avoid blocking pathways or creating obstacles with the materials.
  • Ensure that the materials are clean and in good condition.
  • Place them in appropriate directions or areas as per Vastu principles.
  • Use colors and materials that harmonize with the overall Vastu energy of the space.

What is the effect of significant Vastu mistakes in the foyer area, bedroom, kitchen, etc.?

Significant Vastu mistakes in different areas of a home can have specific effects:

  • Foyer area: A poorly designed foyer can obstruct the flow of positive energy, creating a stagnant or blocked entry point, potentially affecting opportunities and abundance.
  • Bedroom: An incorrectly positioned bed or improper arrangement can impact sleep quality, health, and relationships.
  • Kitchen: A Vastu non-compliant kitchen can disrupt the flow of positive energy, potentially affecting health, prosperity, and harmony in the family.

Does color/material affect Vastu?

Yes, colors and materials can influence Vastu energies. According to Vastu principles:

  • Colors: Different colors evoke specific energies. Using appropriate colors in different areas of a space can enhance the desired qualities, ambiance, and overall Vastu harmony.
  • Materials: The selection of materials for construction and interior elements can affect the overall energy balance. Using natural and harmonious materials is generally recommended for a positive Vastu impact.